Happy Feet 2022

hosted by ThaneLife

Happy Feet

Competition Details
Date: 29th October 2022, Saturday
Registration Time: 9.30am – 10am
Event Time: 9.30am – 7pm
Event Venue: Sentosa, Tanjong Beach

Competition Categories
Amateur Male
All male competitors who have been skating for 2 years or less
Amateur Female
All female competitors who have been skating for 2 years or less
Any competitor regardless of age can join. Please note all sponsored and foreign skaters are automatically placed in this category.
Best Trick
Open to all competitors who have checked this in their registration form.

Jerrad Kuek 6,29
Ryan Teo 6,03
Dalfon, Leow Jing Xue 5,65
Shi Xian Leong 5,36
Bryan Lee 4,83
Ocean Chin 3,96
Boon Hee Lim 3,50

Dalfon, Leow Jing Xue 6,68
Jerrad Kuek 6,29
Shi Xian Leong 5,58
Ryan Teo 5,50
Bryan Lee 4,86
Ocean Chin 4,33
Qurratu Ain Zuraimi 5,95
Anastasia Tan 5,82
Shana Thee 5,62
Mia Min 5,54
Sipu Chen 5,40
Naomi Chan 2,66

Anastasia Tan 5,99
Sipu Chen 5,83
Shana Thee 5,75
Qurratu Ain Zuraimi 5,69
Mia Min 5,21
Naomi Chan 3,96
Mei cui Peh6,43
Loognam Yoosook6,40
Shira Chuang5,90
Alicia Lim5,69
Jenny Chang5,61
Momoko Oishi5,04

Mei cui Peh 7,04
Jenny Chang 6,48
Loognam Yoosook 6,13
Alicia Lim 6,05
Shira Chuang 5,78
Momoko Oishi 5,08
TC Lim8,89
Wei Ming Lee8,10
Melrick Choo 7,12
Tachadon Sakulsittachai 7,01
Fendi Noah 6,98
Eugene Sia 6,81
Naqib Idris 6,80
Muhammad Raid Ramlee 6,76
Dang Khao Ha Vu 6,67
Nguyen Thang 6,53
Felix Quiogue 5,98
Jin Wayne Kyler Ong 5,75
Syafiq Roslan 5,38
Muhammad Shahirul Bin Ishak 5,25
Benjamin Gu 4,88
Syahmi Mahmod 4,79

TC Lim7,75
Wei Ming Lee7,73
Melrick Choo 6,64
Muhammad Raid Ramlee 6,46
Naqib Idris 6,12
Fendi Noah 6,08
Eugene Sia 6,03
Tachadon Sakulsittachai 5,83

Melrick Choo 8,33
TC Lim 8,07
Fendi Noah 7,80
Benjamin Gu 7,53
Muhammad Raid Ramlee 7,00
Jerrad Kuek 7,00
Eugene Sia 6,47
Bryan Lee 6,07
Alicia Lim 6,00
Dalfon, Leow Jing Xue 4,80
Dang Khao Ha Vu 3,87
Syafiq Roslan 3,80
Lee Wei Ming 3,47
Muhammad Shahirul Bin Ishak 3,27
Naqib Idris 3,13
Nguyen Thang 2,87
Jin Wayne Kyler Ong 2,60



Events and organizers we are currently working with

Hamburg Longboard Open 2021 & 2022
HLO was the first event we worked with. Sergej and his crew are an amazing team and helped us to test our rulebook and judging app.

Beyond the Board 2022
Our ambassador Brandon DesJarlais toured all over the USA and organized two contests in New York City and Los Angeles and we provided the registration form, check in and judging for his events.

Swiss Longboard Dance & Freestyle Association w/ LGC Switzerland 2022
We teamed up with Sven Schiefer and the LGC Switzerland and provided a judging app for their contest in Zurich.

Longboard Festival an der Ruhr
The first event for the Longboard Ruhrgebiet Crew and we took care of their online registration process for their contests.

LOZ Open Ride Festival
We support the first event in Lausanne with our registration sign up form and they are judging all the competitions online in our app.

Happy Feet

Happy Feet 2022
Stoked to work with our first partner in Asia, ThaneLife shop, and Wei Ming Lee the official Discipline Head of Longboard Freestyle Dance in Singapore.

First annual Black Boarders of Atlanta Dance & Freestyle Contest
We supported Aaron and his crew and helped them launch their first event together with our experience and app.

Studio Longboard Podcast

Simon and Werner got invited to join the Studio Longboard podcast to share their idea of the ILDFF, talk about the rulebook and about their vision for the sport.
We tried to explain why we think a federation is an important step to make our sport more professional.
Sergej, Paul and Linda prepared some interesting questions and the 90minutes went by way too fast to share all our ambitious goals and ideas we wanted to talk about.

you can find the Studio Longboard Podcast on Google Podcasts, iTunes and listen to the episode on the Studio Longboard website:

Website Launch

We are happy and proud that after all the countless hours of work and energy we put into the federation, we are able to launch the official ILDFF website.

Finally we can present our ideas to the community and the public.


ILDFF History

The idea of the ILDFF dates back to early 2020 when we realized that the global pandemic is not only a show stopper for physical events but also the chance to start and develop something new.
Together we came up with the idea to finally put all the unwritten rules and regulations for different contests into written form.

The idea of the rulebook was born.

Almost at the same time we started to work on our software which will play a big part for upcoming events, saving a lot of time and work for everybody involved. We want to provide a flawless experience for organizers who we help out with contest registration and guidelines for the competitions. We aim to provide transparency to the riders and judges and as a result make competitions more exciting for people who are watching them.

The ILDFF is our attempt to assist the community and the sport in growing and getting more popular all over the planet.